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Welcome to the European Arc Guide
Our Vision
Make Arc Flash Management Accessible to European Engineers.
We do this by informing and influencing duty holders, designers, and service providers to reduce danger from electrical arcing by providing quick, simple, accessible, and accurate predictive tools coupled with expert impartial practical advice.
About us
European Arc Guide strives to bring a simple and easy experience to all its users so that we can
truly live up to our vision. We do this by putting dedication into every decision we make; whether it be the layout
of the site, the display on different devices, or providing clear instructions on how to navigate any aspect of our tools.
We are a small independent team, but we hope that you have a pleasant visit on our site. You can learn more
about us here.
You can also follow us on Twitter at: https://twitter.com/GuideArc
If you have any questions on queries, please do not hestitate to contact us at [email protected] (temporarily).
How Does it Work?
This guide is an online practical risk assessment tool for the European Engineer. It is primarily designed to evaluate and manage dangerous levels of arc flash incident energy in electrical distribution systems. Whilst the guide is based upon European Council Directives, there are specific references to United Kingdom and Irish regulations/standards. As laws and regulations evolve, the guide will also be updated.
What is Included?
Included is a comprehensive written guidebook aimed at designers, duty holders, service providers, and consultants. A major objective of this guide is to provide the predictive tools to determine the arc flash hazard severity and the means to prevent it causing harm.
For hazard severity, the guide provides calculators and tables to assist engineers in evaluating the magnitude of the arc flash incident energy; the first step in the risk assessment process. Whilst simple in nature, the calculators are also accurate to the extent that they are based upon the latest research. Similar to the guide, as methodologies and equations evolve, the calculators will also be updated.
Who is the Guide Suitable for?
The guide is aimed at competent electrical engineers and particularly those who are responsible for putting electrical workers to task on, or in, the vicinity of live conductors and equipment. It may also be used by qualified electrical designers to supplement good design technique in order to engineer the reduction of electrical arc flash hazards and, where possible, to limit any requirement for future exposure to arc flash hazards. The calculator tools to determine incident energy within this guide are well within the capability of electrical engineers with minimum electrical design experience. For electrical networks that involve more complex feeder arrangements, the guide provides information on the procurement of software and/or service providers. The individuals named on the following non-exhaustive list may find this guide useful:
Electrical Duty Holders.
Electrical Designers.
Electrical Contractors.
Electrical Safety Consultants.
Health and Safety Managers.
Electrical Engineering Managers.
Electrical Maintenance Engineers and Technicians.
Distribution Company Employees and Service Providers.
Electrical Engineering Students.
What are the Benefits of the Guide?
The benefits of the guide can quite simply be summed in three words: Cost; Compliance; and Convenience.